
95-100 Life changing experience... We might have a new religion here. Get a loan if needed to secure a bottle, sell your car or rob a bank. I don't know. Do something...

90-94 Excellent... Worth to buy a few bottles and put them somewhere safe while (if) these bottles are still around. How much was a bottle..?

85-89 It's seriously good, deserves a spot in any whisky cabinet. I wouldn't think twice before buying a bottle if the price is good. I definitely would not...

80-84 Good or OK but I would hold my horses a little longer here to check the price tag before I grab one... I am happy to sip it anywhere anytime though.

75-79 It's meh... More like subpar. Wouldn't pay for it (again) for sure but could consider when offered. Probably...

70-74 Nope... I have to be really drunk to consider this ever again or maybe mix it with something.

60-69 Hell no..! I was curious and wanted to try but that's about it. Don't see any logical reason why I would ever want to put this in my mouth again.

50-59 I have no explanation how anybody could think that it was a good idea to bottle this. Stay away for your own sake...

0-49 Either contaminated, corked or oxidized. Flawed... 
