The Glenlivet 12yo...

The Glenlivet 12 yo (40.0%): Oh, the emerald queen... What a great companion to a real spring day in Cambridge. First time this year I am sitting in front of my TV with windows open. I  just got home, poured some The Glenlivet 12 in my glass and getting ready to watch The Wire Season 3, Episode 7.  Hold on a minute: Let me pull out quickly my tasting notes from Glenlivet masterclass at Whisky Live Boston last year and update them... Color: Clear amber with a nice copper shine. Nose: Bright malt, banana chips, hyacinth flowers and rose petals. Freshly sliced Granny Smith apples and Anjou pears. A nice afternoon board walk on a breezy day at the beach through the willows. Pretty sweet... Palate: Underripe peaches and spearmint, more like minted peach ice tea... Not so sweet as the nose suggested. Very refreshing. Dole pineapple rings dusted with little  cinnamon and wet tobacco leaves stuck on your lips from the cigar butt. Creamy Mexican Coconut flan. Finish: Short(ish) finish with faint spiciness. White pepper and allspice. Overall: Great dram for warm days. Refreshing, easy going but very satisfying with a very reasonable price tag. Not so adventurous but sometimes you don't need adventure. You just need to calm down and sip your whisky... 
